Children Aborted for Vaccine Development Must be Remembered on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 19

Thirty-six years ago President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation establishing the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day, declaring: “reverence for human life and recognition of the sanctity of individual life are among the defining characteristics of a just civil order.” He went on to issue that proclamation every year of his presidency thereafter.

The right to life itself is so vital that it was the first of the “unalienable rights” affirmed by our Declaration of Independence – Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. President Reagan wrote: “the United States of America was founded by visionary people who believed, and said forthrightly, that the test of any just political system lay in whether it affirmed the unalienable rights endowed by God, rights that no civil authority was ever free to deny or contravene.”

He issued this proclamation to remind us that millions of unborn babies are stripped of their right to life, killed by abortions before ever having a chance to live outside the womb, and that it is our responsibility to protect “the promise of life stolen from the unborn.”

Tragically, just two short years later, and perhaps unbeknownst to him, President Reagan signed into law a bill that would become the catalyst for disincentivizing vaccine safety measures; exponentially increasing the recommended number of vaccines; and laying the framework for a corrupt network between the pharmaceutical industry, abortion industry, regulatory agencies, and the government, leading to recent vaccine mandates across the country and most ironically, forcing the injection of aborted fetal cell remains into American children. The very same industry President Reagan spoke so adamantly against was given unprecedented power over the people, thanks to his signature.

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Deception: The American Academy of Pediatrics Does Not Currently Claim that Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism

While the current administration of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that “vaccines do not cause autism,” three of her sister agencies do not hold that position. Neither does the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In March of 2008, Dr. David Tayloe, President Elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics, appeared on The Today Show to discuss vaccines and autism and made the statement that, “I think any of the vaccines we have today have been tested and proven to be safe, and the credible studies don’t show any relationship between vaccines and permanent injury.” He denied all vaccine injury, including any possible link to autism.

In January of 2017 the AAP posted a new statement. They now make no firm statement on the link in its official stance, but merely comments on one segment of the research. This is their discussion on the topic:

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