Deception: NIH Found Newborn Blood Biomarkers for Autism in 2013, but Never Implemented Them

The New York State Department of Health, funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, found newborn blood biomarkers for autism in 2013.

Of the 15 components found, the most prominent is low levels of Glutathione s-Transferase (GST), the enzyme that links glutathione to toxic substances so they can be removed from the body. This confirms that autism is associated with an inability to remove toxic matter from the body, and bolsters the theory that autism can be caused by toxic ingredients in vaccines, such as mercury (Hg).

Yet six years later, and no newborn screening panel is being offered.  There are no phone calls from pediatricians to parents to bring their children with autism in for biomarker screening.

There is no good reason that this has not happened, save for the fact that implementing this research indicts CDC’s vaccine program in causation of autism.

Because CDC is culpable in the causation of autism.

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Hypocrisy in War

At this point in our war against obstreperous humanism, Christians have by and large proven themselves to be the inept infantryman. With mandatory vaccination for schools becoming the norm in places like New York and California, many Christians have rightly raised their own blood pressure. However, I have to confess that the ire, though red as wrath itself, is completely injudicious. It’s the hypocrisy in the war. It’s short-sighted. Our anger is aimed at the wrong thing…

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I have been working on this issue since my beautiful son Chandler regressed after his 18 month vaccines and was diagnosed with autism in 2004. I could have left this behind a long time ago, but God has convicted me that I have a duty to warn, especially believers.

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Deception: The Vaccine-Autism Link Dates to Leo Kanner in 1943, Not Wakefield in 1998

In his disorder defining paper “Autistic Disturbances of Affective Contact,” published in Nervous Child in 1943, Leo Kanner of Johns Hopkins University included the first report of vaccine induced autistic regression. In Kanner’s case series describing the first 11 children documented to have the disorder, case number 3, “Richard M.” is reported by his mother to have begun his developmental regression following a smallpox vaccination.

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We Call Her Winnie

For years we have talked about the WI-38 cell line as if it rolled off an assembly line, and it is not part of an innocent little girl who was murdered for her lungs before she was able to take her first breath.

Referring to people by numbers is dehumanizing.

In our conversations about this child, her lungs, her cells, her DNA and her blood proteins, we felt more and more empty as we continued to refer to her, and what was stolen from her, by a number assigned to her by Leonard Hayflick, who contracted with Sven Guard for her murder to obtain her lungs in Sweden in 1962 .

So we named her Winnie.

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