Deception: HHS Commissioned Report Shows a Likely 1 in 39 Vaccine Adverse Reaction Rate, While Publicly Claiming a False 1 in a Million Rate

The refrain that is repeated in public is that vaccine adverse reactions are rare, occurring in 1 in a million Americans.

Not only does CDC know that the 1 in a million doses is a false claim, they are hiding the 1 in 39 doses that is likely the true vaccine adverse reaction rate.

In 2010 the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) conducted a study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research (AHCR) with the Harvard Pilgrim HMO. The examination of digitized medical records found that 2.6% of vaccines administered resulted in injuries. A rate of 1 in 39, rather than a rate of 1 in 1,000,000, as the CDC claims. The report also found that clinicians typically approximately see 1.3 vaccine injuries per month in their practices.

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Deception: Vaccine Injury Denialism Has Been Federal Policy Since 1984

“…any possible doubts, whether or not well founded, about the safety of the [oral polio] vaccine cannot be allowed to exist in view of the need to assure that the vaccine will continue to be used to the maximum extent consistent with the nation’s public health objectives.”

Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration,
21 CFR Part 630 Additional Standards for Viral Vaccines; Poliovirus Vaccine, Live, Oral; Final Rule
Federal Register Vol. 49, No. 107, June 1, 1984

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NY Supreme Court Rules That The Amish Cannot Exercise Religious Vaccine Exemption To Attend Their Own Private Amish School Of 24 Amish Children.

The petition by an Amish father to the New York State Supreme Court to allow his family to practice their faith and allow his children to attend a private Amish school has been denied.

Jonas Stoltzfus has three children, all unvaccinated, who attend the Cranberry Marsh school in Romulus, NY, a town between Rochester and Syracuse.

Kevin Barry of First Freedoms, Attorney for Mr. Stoltzfus, says that there will be no more appeals in the case.

Barry says that the state of New York has threatened to shut down the Cranberry Marsh School that the Stoltzfus children attend, though the state has taken no action yet.

WSKG has reported that, “Under the rules barring religious exemptions to vaccines, schools can be fined up to $2,000 per day for each student who is out of compliance.”

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Watch: Health Freedom Idaho Teaches Pastors The Truth About Vaccination

The Pharmaceutical industry has been reaching out to ministers of all faiths, in an attempt to prevent them from speaking about vaccine risks and the moral hazards that participation in the the US National Vaccine Plan presents.

Believers in Idaho have come together to inform pastors on the difficult realities that the industry does not want discussed. Please consider sharing this with the clergy in your life, and putting together such an event in your state. is happy to help arrange such events for our brothers and sisters in Christ who have a burden to teach the truth to ministers.

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