Are any of the Covid-19 Vaccines Self-Spreading, Self-Propagating, Transmissible Vaccines?

In 2018, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Health Security, published Technologies to Address Global Catastrophic Biological Risks.

Among the technologies discussed in the paper, are “Self-Spreading Vaccines.” Vaccines that only need be given to a portion of the population, and are then become communicable between individuals, like a virus. Page 47 of the document reads in part:

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Aborted Fetal Cell Use in Medical Products is Human Trafficking

Abortion in medicine and slavery are the same. It is a simple, straight forward, matter. They occur when humans are kidnapped from their home, and impressed into service, without consent.

But those who “benefit” from abortion have worked very hard to muddy the waters with complicated discussions to justify this human rights abuse. This crime. This sin.

They may even seek to “mandate” that you participate in it with them.

Here we directly confront a vast amount of the mud that has been placed between believers and the truth that aborted fetal cell use in medical products is the moral equivalent of the worst examples of human trafficking.

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The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Chairmen Urge FDA to Develop Ethical Vaccine for COVID-19

Four bishop chairmen of committees for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have urged Dr. Stephen M. Hahn, Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), to ensure that vaccines for the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) are developed ethically and are free from any connection to the exploitation of abortion.

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Children Aborted for Vaccine Development Must be Remembered on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 19

Thirty-six years ago President Ronald Reagan issued a proclamation establishing the first National Sanctity of Human Life Day, declaring: “reverence for human life and recognition of the sanctity of individual life are among the defining characteristics of a just civil order.” He went on to issue that proclamation every year of his presidency thereafter.

The right to life itself is so vital that it was the first of the “unalienable rights” affirmed by our Declaration of Independence – Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. President Reagan wrote: “the United States of America was founded by visionary people who believed, and said forthrightly, that the test of any just political system lay in whether it affirmed the unalienable rights endowed by God, rights that no civil authority was ever free to deny or contravene.”

He issued this proclamation to remind us that millions of unborn babies are stripped of their right to life, killed by abortions before ever having a chance to live outside the womb, and that it is our responsibility to protect “the promise of life stolen from the unborn.”

Tragically, just two short years later, and perhaps unbeknownst to him, President Reagan signed into law a bill that would become the catalyst for disincentivizing vaccine safety measures; exponentially increasing the recommended number of vaccines; and laying the framework for a corrupt network between the pharmaceutical industry, abortion industry, regulatory agencies, and the government, leading to recent vaccine mandates across the country and most ironically, forcing the injection of aborted fetal cell remains into American children. The very same industry President Reagan spoke so adamantly against was given unprecedented power over the people, thanks to his signature.

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NY Supreme Court Rules That The Amish Cannot Exercise Religious Vaccine Exemption To Attend Their Own Private Amish School Of 24 Amish Children.

The petition by an Amish father to the New York State Supreme Court to allow his family to practice their faith and allow his children to attend a private Amish school has been denied.

Jonas Stoltzfus has three children, all unvaccinated, who attend the Cranberry Marsh school in Romulus, NY, a town between Rochester and Syracuse.

Kevin Barry of First Freedoms, Attorney for Mr. Stoltzfus, says that there will be no more appeals in the case.

Barry says that the state of New York has threatened to shut down the Cranberry Marsh School that the Stoltzfus children attend, though the state has taken no action yet.

WSKG has reported that, “Under the rules barring religious exemptions to vaccines, schools can be fined up to $2,000 per day for each student who is out of compliance.”

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Deception: NIH Found Newborn Blood Biomarkers for Autism in 2013, but Never Implemented Them

The New York State Department of Health, funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health, found newborn blood biomarkers for autism in 2013.

Of the 15 components found, the most prominent is low levels of Glutathione s-Transferase (GST), the enzyme that links glutathione to toxic substances so they can be removed from the body. This confirms that autism is associated with an inability to remove toxic matter from the body, and bolsters the theory that autism can be caused by toxic ingredients in vaccines, such as mercury (Hg).

Yet six years later, and no newborn screening panel is being offered.  There are no phone calls from pediatricians to parents to bring their children with autism in for biomarker screening.

There is no good reason that this has not happened, save for the fact that implementing this research indicts CDC’s vaccine program in causation of autism.

Because CDC is culpable in the causation of autism.

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Hypocrisy in War

At this point in our war against obstreperous humanism, Christians have by and large proven themselves to be the inept infantryman. With mandatory vaccination for schools becoming the norm in places like New York and California, many Christians have rightly raised their own blood pressure. However, I have to confess that the ire, though red as wrath itself, is completely injudicious. It’s the hypocrisy in the war. It’s short-sighted. Our anger is aimed at the wrong thing…

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